so tired..
kena cucuk byk kali..huuhu..

mom..it's so itching!!!

yea..yea..I can go back home!!!
Dini was admitted at ward D35 Nottingham University Hospital (6-9 September 2009) coz of the virus infection at her skin. The itching skin started from the nose and its spread for the whole face..Since the skin is definitely itching, so she can't stop scratching and scratching all the time until its became widely spread for the whole face..now she is being well but still have to go for another followup treatment to make sure that she is really ok.
innalillah..camtu skali muka dini.sian tul tgok dia..tk larat tang gatal tu la..sabar ye kak zura
salam akak...ni ina..yang budak2 face painting kat rumah kita tu....kesian tgk Dini..tak sangka cam tu sekali yer.. maaf sgt2 tak sempat nka lawat..tgh kritikal dgn kerja2 sekolah..senang2 nanti kami singgah rumah yer..peluk cium from aunty ina specially for Dini..take care yer..
tu la pasal..gatal sgt tu yg tak tahan tgk..pulak tu baby yg kena..adei..anyway thanks la farizah juadah smalam..;_)
oohh.ina..takpe..no problem.paham sgt2 org tgh buat PhD..bizi..so far Dini getting better dpd dulu..thanks 4 the moral support..;-)
salam kZura,
slmt berkenalan.ini zue..isteri syed.zue tunjuk gambar dini kt syed, dia kata..maybe "impetigo" tu nama jangkitannyer.masyaAllah sian tgk.ank kami, muhammad pun kena gak dulu..tp xmcm ni..sket2 jer.mudah2an akak sabar yer..insyaAllah nk baik dhtuuu..
Ooo..ye ke? impetigo...erkk.. akak pun tak bertanya nama spesifik penyakit ni.tp tula..gatal yg teramat..dini asyik garu sampai berdarah dan keluar air jernih..then bila ditenyeh kat muka, tu yg merebak sampai jd camni.anyway..tahan sikit skrg coz dah kering..harap2 ok la tu..
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