Our 'geng Guru IT'..(eh..eh cam geng bas sekolah lak ) had celebrate besday on Tuesday (16th December o8') during lunch hour at my house. Iza and I had decided to celebrate together since our besday is on December..the ceremony was simple but happening..Anyway..I would like to thanks to my geng 'Guru IT' for the delicious menus such as besday cake, orange cake & KFC. I just provide my delicious spagetti menu for this happening ceremony..(ha.ha..perasan..)
hai..budak2 ni dah tak sabor nak makan kek..tak nyempat2 cikgu iza nak buka kotak..
Aus nak potong kek ke?
Besday women..Iza (20th Dec) and me (12th Dec)..
my new babysitter..cikgu Mas & cikgu Ina..he..he..
Besday cake sponsored by Cikgu Iza & Orange cake.home made by cikgu ina..sedaaaapp tau..
spagetti by chef Azura..he..he..& KFC sponsored by cikgu Mas & cikgu Fari
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